Since you are reading this blog, we get that you are left with very less time with you and you are looking for quick actionable solution. Do not worry, we shall keep it simple. We have listed the top 10 tips on how to crack JEE in one month, if these one liners makes sense to you guys, go ahead and spend a little more time. If this additional couple of minutes of reading can help you cover your screw-up so far and still get you into your dream college, then why not?
One last thing, if this has worked for you Please do share this to all the people like you. Only if it has worked for you. We are sure you wont forget this article, if it has helped you.
- Pick your strong subject and work on that and stick to simple questions from difficult subjects
- Avoid solving complicated questions. Stick only to what you have learnt
- Do combined studies with students in the same state as you it helps save time.
- Appear for test series from at-least two different coaching and analyse it properly
- Read the Introduction and theory of the topics first before solving problems
- Go through the questions once before start solving
- Solve at-least last 7 years question papers
- Get short notes from your friends and revise them multiple times till you can memorise them
- Plan a daily schedule before you go to sleep and execute it the next day
- Stick to NCERT and Questions at the end of each chapter
Since these tips are independent of which subjects you are learning it is quite applicable for both JEE and NEET and maybe any competitive exams.
Pick your strong subject and work on that and stick to simple questions from difficult subjects. Both JEE and NEET has three subjects each, PCM and PCB respectively. So, first take some time to understand which subjects interests you and which one bores you a lot. Remember, you need to pick 2 out of the three. The logic behind this is simple, you are not effective and giving your 100% when you do things that you do not like. Hence start with things that interest you. Setting the mind right. Focus more time on these two subjects 90% of your time on these two subjects.
Note: Now do not give time and space for your mind to contemplate whether your decision was right or not. It was a one way ride, you got to live with your decision.
Avoid solving complicated questions. Stick only to what you have learnt Do not waste your time solving complicated questions and learning complicated topics. Your time is precious now. Stick to simple topics and try to cover as much simple as possible. after a while, if you think, now it is time to move on to complicated topics you are absolutely wrong. one month is not enough even to cover simple topics. So, stop complicating and fooling yourself and read all simple topics first. Worst case you always have another attempt next year. If you are in your last attempt, we are sorry mate, this blog is not meant for you.

Do combined studies with students in the same state as you it helps save time. Have you solved the math problem regarding man-hours problems? if one man can build a wall in 10 hours, how many hours can 3 men built the same wall. We said three men, because three is ideal number with regards to us, since, there is always a yes, a no and a maybe. More than three in the group, you are gonna come back to google in somedays and search how to crack JEE in one week. lol. Split topics and spend time reading and at the end teach the other two friends. each do this in turns. so effectively you guys have 3 man-months with you.. Bio Students forget the math and just stick to group studies.
Appear for test series from at-least two different coaching and analyse it properly Assessing where you stand in terms of preparation is key. Because end result of clearing is not just effort, we think it is a few things combined. Intelligence, Effort and Luck. So maybe you are just more intelligent than the others and you need less time than others to grasp the same concept. Both Virat and MSD are great batsmen, but MSD has a better chance of scoring 24 runs from 6 balls. so take a leap of faith and take the All India Test series and assess where you stand amongst all appearing from across India. This will help you plan your strength and weakness easily, both mentally and topic wise, Luck you can’t do anything about it, wish you were Joginder!!!
Read the Introduction and theory of the topics first before solving problems Setting the context right at the beginning makes things easier to understand. Always start with the introduction of all chapters and then get into the problems. Just trust us on this. You do not have to understand things completely, just read it once. It gives you a lot of clarity.
Go through the questions once before start solving While doing this mark the questions that you are certain you have a chance of scoring and the once you think you might be able to score. Just leave blank the ones you have no clue. Start solving the once you are certain, this ensures your base mark, now moving to the partially sure once, be a little cautious while answering it as it attracts negative marking. So do try to solve the aquestion but attempt the once you are only certain about.
Like we said earlier. Please do come back to this blog and share it with your friends in need in the next year.